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City Parks and Recreation Team Practice Schedule

Published: September 30, 2022

Hello Arcadia Farms Homeowners,

I got a report the other day that a team had come onto the soccer field, and told owners that they had practice there, and that the owners needed to leave.

This was news to me, and the owners, as we were unaware that any team used the HOA’s soccer field.

I did some research, and finally talked to the City Parks and Recreation Department. They have a pewee Soccer League that use the field as an overflow practice field, when needed. They also have some games there.

They do not intend to use the entire facility, as you can see from the schedule, only parts of it, most of the time.

This is being done under part of the Development agreement that was signed when the community was started, and will be in effect in perpetuity. As more facilities come available, they will use this area less and less, but will continue to have access to it.

It is a nice opportunity to see some pewee soccer, which is always entertaining, and watching the parents can be as well.

I got their schedule, which is linked here, so that you can know when the area will be in use.

Thank you.

Click here to download and read the Arcadia Team Practice Schedule and Map

Arcadia Farms HOA

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