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Special Meeting to Modify The Governing Documents

Event Starts: August 20, 2024

6:30 pm

In accordance with Texas State Business Organizations Code 21.155 and Article 10, Section 3 of the DCC&Rs for Arcadia Farms Community Association, Inc., you are hereby given notice that a Special Meeting has been called to vote on a proposed amendment to the Governing Documents. The meeting will take place online on August 20th, 2024 at 6:30pm via the meeting link below.

Arcadia Farms Special Meeting
Aug 20, 2024, 6:30 – 7:00 PM (America/Chicago)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
Access Code: 970-587-653
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

A quorum of 10% (96 homeowners) is required to have the meeting and vote on the proposed changes. In order for the amendment to pass a sixty-seven percent (67%) affirmative vote of all lot owners is required to modify the governing documents. Please see the proposed change below.

Proposed Amendment to Section 3.2 Rentals:
Nothing in this Declaration shall prevent the rental of any Lot and the Improvements thereon by the Owner thereof for residential purposes; provided that all rentals must be for terms of at least six (6) months. All leases shall be in writing. The owner must provide to its lessee(s) copies of the Restrictions. Notice of any lease, together with such additional information as may be required by the Board, will be remitted to the Association by the Owner on or before the expiration of ten (10) days after the effective date of the lease. From the date of the adoption of this Section 3.2, no more than twenty percent (20%) of the total Lots located in the community may be leased at any point in time.

Each Lot is permitted one vote. Voting will take place online via, Directed Proxy, and Absentee Ballot. Voting will begin after the meeting and be open for thirty (30) days. Should you be unable to attend the meeting, please fill out the attached Directed Proxy. Directed Proxies must be returned via email or USPS to the property manager, Heather Smith by 4:30pm August 20th.

8668 John Hickman Parkway
Suite 801
Frisco, Tx 75034

Click here to download and read the Special Election Notice and Absentee Ballot