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Open Board Meeting Notice

Event Starts: May 15, 2024

6:00 pm

A Open Board Meeting has been scheduled for May 15th, 2024 at 6:00pm. The location of the meeting is the pool area by the grills. Executive session will be from 5:30pm-6:00pm. Only Board Members may be present for the executive session. Please note, while regular session is open to all homeowners, only Board Members will be voting. Please see meeting agenda below.

Executive Session Agenda:

    • Call to Order
    • Collections
    • Violations
    • Adjournment to Open Session

Open Session Agenda:

    • Call to Order
    • Previous Meeting Minutes
    • Executive Session Summary
    • Financial Review
    • Summary of Repairs for the Year
    • Pool Opening Update
    • Rental Survey Results
    • Irrigation and Landscape Repairs
    • Pool Identity Wall Painting
    • Removal of Lennar Signage
    • Adjournment

Click here to download and read the Arcadia Farms Board Meeting 5.15.24